Starting a Call July 31, 2023 16:31 Updated Always greet the customer by saying:“Hi! Welcome to Jeenie! My name is [first name], your [language] interpreter. How can I help you?” Please begin your greeting in English first and ASL (for ASL interpreters only). Make sure you use this greeting on all calls, regardless if it is a client calling or a member of the Jeenie staff. If you interpret in multiple languages, please make sure you say the language the client requested in your greeting. The language appears on the call answer screen. Example: If you take calls for French, Spanish, and Haitian Creole and the call is for French, announce yourself as their French interpreter, not Spanish or Haitian Creole. If you are assisting a customer speak with a third party, when you first speak with that person, always introduce yourself and the Jeenie service in their language: “Hi, my name is ____. I am a(n) [language] interpreter with the Jeenie platform and I am happy to help you communicate.” Please watch this video for more information as well as tips for your introduction: Related articles Before You Begin Accepting a Zoom Call Earning Fees for Your Services How the Jeenie Platform Works Surge Rates