How to Answer Clients’ Questions About Jeenie October 11, 2023 21:24 Updated If customers ask you about Jeenie, the platform, our company, or anything else, ask the caller to send an email with their question to and our Client Experience team member will get back to them as soon as possible. If they ask you where you're located or any personal information, please see our page on Protecting Your Privacy. This includes asking for your email address in order to send you a link to take a call from the Jeenie platform to another platform (such as Zoom, MS Teams, etc). Going off-platform or providing your email address or phone number is a violation of Jeenie Terms and could result in being removed from the platform. Please see our page on Protecting Your Privacy for more information. If the client needs to have a call off-platform, they will need to pre-schedule the call at Please refrain from answering questions that are outside of the interpretation task at hand and politely refer the customer to our Client Experience Team. One of the recommended answers is as follows, “That’s a very good question. Our Client Experience Team would be best at answering this and getting you the help you need. Please send them an email to .” Related articles Quality Checks Protecting Your Privacy Jeenie Scheduled Calls Requirements for Linguists Using a Headset Interpreter Introductions on Jeenie